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もちろん、これは事実ではありません。私たちのカトリック信仰は、私たちは神の姿に似せて創造されたと教えています。この神聖な真理は、創世記 第1章27 節に書かれています。したがって、罪は、私たち人間性の一部ではありません。本当は、罪は「反人間的」なものなのです。 罪は、私たちの人間性を破壊し、私たちを非人間化します。






今年の待降節:アドベントは、12月の第一日曜日に始まります。 12月は、まだまだクリスマスではないことを思い出させてくれます。「アドベント」という、非常に大切であるにも関わらず、正しく評価されないことの多い季節の始まりです。



イザヤは、「待降節の預言者」と呼ばれています。イザヤによる救世主の預言は、読者の心を揺さぶり、イエス・キリストが実際に到来するという期待と切望の感情を呼び起こします。イザヤ書 第11章10節で、彼は、メシアの到来に関する壮大なビジョンを明かしています。

洗礼者ヨハネは、「待降節の男性」です。 彼は、この時期のもう一つの重要な側面、つまり「悔い改め」と「神への回心」を体現しています。彼は、罪を悔い改め、神に立ち返ることを人々に呼びかけました。洗礼者ヨハネの言葉によれば、罪深い自分自身を脱ぎ捨てることによって、わたしたちは、救い主の到来を喜び、待ち望むに相応しいものとなれるのです。

最後は、「待降節の女性」と呼ばれる聖母マリアです。 神は、彼女を介して、救いの働きへの協力を、一人の女性に運命づけられたのです。神の恵みにより、彼女は、罪の汚れのない状態で、母親の胎内に宿られ、待望のメシアを宿すに相応しい方となられました。マリアは、神の母であるだけではありませんでした。 彼女はまた、神の創造と救いの計画に彼女を密接に結び付けることとなる神のご意志に従った身分の低いはしためでもありました。


September headline

church members

Summer is coming to an end. There were a couple of times when we were worried about the effects of typhoons, but we hope you have a fun summer with your family and friends. We should be thankful to God that the typhoon did not cause too much damage.

Painting work on the exterior walls of the current Fuji Church, which was carried out to mark the 25th anniversary of its dedication, is scheduled to be completed this month. We would like to express our gratitude to the church committee and council for making this project possible in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of its dedication and the 70th anniversary of Fuji Church's establishment. As we celebrate our 70th anniversary as a parish community, may our newly painted church provide us with renewed inspiration.

Of course, painting the exterior walls is a big expense. However, it was essential work to repair the window bars and repair the concrete walls. When painting the exterior wall again in the future, larger repairs may be required than this time. However, the more work it takes to maintain the buildings, the more we are required to cultivate our faith and love for the church.

In the coming months, the church will be busy with several events. One of them is the November bazaar. We hope to be able to support the bazaar at church like we did pre-pandemic. The bazaar is a very useful means of raising funds for aid to the poor and for the upkeep of the church. This year, we decided to hold a bazaar to raise money for the church's project implementation costs.

This month, as it is the 25th anniversary of the dedication, we are planning to celebrate the Feast of the Praise of the Cross in a special way. Catholic Fuji Church was dedicated to this holiday. However, September 14th, the Feast of the Praise of the Cross, falls on a Thursday. To celebrate this holiday as a community, we have decided to hold a special prayer on the Sunday closest to this day, September 17, 2023. May we all come together on this special day of our Church.

Catholic Fuji Church is a church of praise of the cross. The cross of victory is not a wooden cross. The wooden cross without the body of Jesus, who sacrificed himself to save us, has no meaning. This is what I read in an article I read on the internet. "The devil loves the cross without the body of Jesus Christ. He wants you to forget the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross."

This church has a very beautiful wooden cross. Jesus' body is not there, but if you look closely, you can see the ``fruit of the vine'' symbolizing Jesus on the cross. I think it's very artistic and beautiful. However, not everyone can understand the meaning beyond this artistic image. Many times I have heard friends from Japan and other countries say that this church is like a Protestant church. They probably couldn't understand the image of Jesus represented here.

Every year at Christmas, a member of Fuji Church asks me this question. ``Father Roedo, is it okay if we don't put the baby Jesus in the stable? Jesus isn't even on the cross anyway, right?'' I answer with a smile. ``Please lay the baby Jesus in the manger. It's Christmas after all.'' I suddenly thought that this person had a point. If we don't want Jesus to be crucified, why do we insist on putting Jesus in a stable? Honestly, in the back of my mind, I hope that one day I will see the body of Jesus Christ crucified on a wooden cross in the center of this church.


St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians 1:23 says:
“We preach Christ crucified.”
Not a wooden cross, but Christ crucified. St. Paul continues further.
“Christ crucified is a stumbling block to the Jews and a folly to the Gentiles.”

July headline

church members

When I was a child, I hated when my mother asked me to pray with her for the dead and for the saints. This is because it was a very long prayer that had to be performed at night for nine consecutive days. I was wondering if a short prayer addressed to a particular saint would be enough. Why did Mother make us pray to St. Isidore, for example, nine nights in a row? And a long prayer.

My mother only told us that it was a novena prayer. Once you start praying on the first day, you must continue until the ninth day. The only choice left to us at that time was to be flogged with a branch by our mother or to pick up a novena booklet. Of course, no child wants to be whipped by their mother and spend the night crying. As a result, we picked up a novena booklet and learned to kneel and pray by the altar at home.

Novena comes from the Latin word "novem", meaning nine. It is a nine-day period in which one prays to God for something or someone through a particular saint, the Virgin Mary, or the Holy Spirit. For example, when we lose something or someone important to us, we offer nine days of prayers to St. Anthony of Padua. The sick pray to Saint Roch, and pregnant women pray to Saint Anne.

Novena prayers are a Christian custom based on the Bible and the lives of the apostles. In Acts 2, after the Lord's ascension into heaven, the disciples followed Jesus' words and stayed in Jerusalem to pray together. After nine days of prayer with the Virgin Mary, the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

As I learned through a bitter experience with my mother, I am glad that I learned the novena prayer. This devotional prayer strengthens my faith and always gives me hope. Just like the disciples who prayed together for nine days and waited for what Jesus promised, I continue to pray the novena as I strengthen my faith in the Lord.

Everyone, let's pray together for 9 consecutive Sundays starting July 15th to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the construction of the church building. This is a novena prayer in which we express our gratitude to God for the blessings we have received over the past 25 years and ask for His continued blessings. Let's pray together as we celebrate our 25th anniversary.

Loving Almighty Father, we come to you with gratitude on this 25th anniversary of the founding of this church. We are grateful that the Church of the Praise of the Cross has been our refuge, a place of unity in faith, and a refuge for so many people over the years. We are grateful to all those involved in the construction of this church, both living and deceased, and we are especially grateful for the life and testimony of Father Meir, who has guided us. I would like to thank all the priests, sisters and laity who came to this parish church.

Father in heaven, thank you for being faithful to us and protecting us with your presence through this church these past 25 years. May each of us and this parish church be united in bonds of love. And grant us the grace to share the joyful gospel of Christ with all people and to testify in word and deed of the love with which Jesus saved us on the cross. May God's blessing be upon our Church and upon us through the intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mary.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

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