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Dear Parishioners,


Grace and peace be with you as we stand at the gateway of a new year, 2024. As we bid farewell to the past year with hearts filled with gratitude for the abundant blessings it brought and the invaluable lessons it bestowed upon us, let us eagerly embrace the promise and potential that the coming year holds for each and every one of us.


As your pastor, I wish to express my deep gratitude from the core of my heart. I thank God for the presence of each soul in this parish. We are undeniably God's gift to one another, and our journeys through life are made richer through the support and love we share. The unity and collaboration we exhibit in serving the Lord contribute immeasurably to the well-being of many. Our parish, is a testament to the faith in action demonstrated by individuals like you.


Over the years, I am deeply moved by the dedication of those among us who consistently devote their time, energy, talents, and financial resources to support our parish. A special mention goes to our parish volunteers, whose unwavering commitment, despite the passage of time, continues to be a source of inspiration and a clear manifestation of God's blessings. The events and achievements of 2023 bear the mark of your selfless contributions, and I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your tireless efforts.


I am confident that year 2024, once again, will be enriched by your involvement and dedication. I pose to myself the question, "What would happen to this church without your sacrifices?" It is a question that, I believe, all members of our parish should ponder. "What would happen to our parish church without your volunteering?" As we reflect upon this, let us collectively hope and pray that the seeds of service and devotion sown by our elder members will inspire and encourage the younger generation of our parish to step forward and volunteer. Your collective commitment ensures the continuity and vibrancy of our beloved parish.


There are two additional events that I look forward to with excitement in this year 2024. One is the arrival of the image of the crucified body of Christ that we received from Sueyoshi cho church in Yokohama. We will replace this artistic cross in our altar with the crucified image of Jesus because it is more proper liturgically. However, we will not throw away our old artistic cross. We will find a suitable place for it in this sacred building where everyone can see. The old artistic cross has been with us for 25 years and it has been loved by many as emblematic of what Fuji church is.


Second is the Eucharistic celebration of Bishop Umemura for the 25th year our church building. It is celebration of thanksgiving to the Lord for this church building as gift that we received from people who worked hard and served this church community. Let us remember and appreciate all their efforts in the past because without them, we will never be enjoying the comfort and beauty of this church.


Again, may the spirit of selfless service and devotion continue to guide us in the year ahead. Together, let us make 2024 a testament to the strength of our faith, the power of unity, and the boundless blessings that come from serving the Lord with open hearts.

Wishing you all a blessed and joyous New Year!





2023年聖家族祭日 聖家族の祝日を祝って2023年を終えることができるというのは、とても素晴らしいことでしょう。今日の朗読も福音もすべて、私たちに家族を大切にすることを思い出させてくれます。神ご自身、ご自身の栄光を明らかにするため、ご自分の家族を選ばれました。...


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